Author Archives: Tracy Zweig

How to Balance Work and Life

There has been extraordinary stress and anxiety for medical professionals during the COVID-19 global pandemic, therefore it is more important than ever to strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Carving out time to pursue current interests or to delve into something new will relieve some of the pressures of work and help reduce the […]

Benefits of Working with a Placement Firm

The benefits of working with a placement firm on your search for a new medical staff member or for your next position in California are numerous. Whether you are an employer or searching for a position, a professional placement firm can save you significant time and effort. Tracy Zweig Associates, Inc. is a registry and […]

Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview

Many prospective employees are able to present themselves well and answer questions during an interview, but when it comes time to ask the employer their own questions, they falter. Part of interview preparation includes having a list of questions for your prospective employer during the interview. These questions have dual purpose. They will spotlight your […]

How to Attract Talented Candidates To Your Practice

Attracting the right candidate to your practice can be a challenge. If you have been wondering how to find candidates for your practice in California, the following tips provide an overview of how to make yourself more attractive to those medical practitioners currently looking for a position. Decide What Makes You a Competitive Employer The […]

How Your Online Presence Can Help Your Career Path

In order to fully showcase your education, training, skills, and expertise, an established, professional online presence is recommended before you begin to apply for open positions. Employers and recruiters are interested in seeing your most current information and your networking contacts may be able to expedite your job search if they have a better idea […]